Now you can get personal wine tips from our Spanish wine expert. Together with Carlos, we present each month well-selected wines from some of Spain’s most interesting producers and regions. Wines you can order and have delivered to your door.

Carlos Cruz Ferran

Carlos has become a well-known profile in Luleå’s restaurant world and many wine lovers come especially to the restaurant where he works for his personal tips and recommendations. Ordering wine from Carlos is not just a purchase, it is an experience, many have said. We have a possible explanation for why his wine tips have become so popular, especially the Spanish tips.

Carlos Cruz Ferran was born in La Habana, Cuba with parents from Catalonia and San Sebastián. He first came to Sweden in 1992 and studied philosophy and physics at the University of Luleå. Studies that he then continued in Barcelona. But when he returned to the culinary mecca of San Sebastián, he enrolled in enology courses and Carlos was soon a trained sommelier.

His family had run a wine shop in San Sebastián in the early 1900s and in Spain wine is often associated with culture and history, something that has always fascinated Carlos. He worked as a sommelier in San Sebastián for several years but with daughters growing up and wanting to study, life took him back to Sweden and Luleå. Something that many wine lovers in Norrland have had a lot of fun and benefit from, Carlos has a knowledge and feeling for Spanish wines that is completely unique, especially for us in Sweden.

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